Meaning: That, those, it; It refers to an object far from both the speaker and the listener. It is the polite form of "achira", which also means "that person" or "that direction".
When to use?
1) Followed by particle
Are wa dare desu ka. Are wa Jess-san desu.
= Who is that? He is Mr. Jess.
Achira ni tsuitara renraku shite kudasai.
= Please contact me when you get there.
Uketsuke wa asoko ni arimasu.
= The reception area is over there.

Grammatical words
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Grammar Dictionary
Click on each grammar word for description and sample sentences.
Ageru, Aida, Amari, Are, Arimasen, Aru, Ato De, Au, Ba, Ba Hodo, Bakari, Beki desu, Bun, Cha, Chau, Chittomo, Choudo, Chuu ni, Daga, Dakara, Dake, Dakedo, Dare, Datte, De, De aru, Dekiru, Demo, Deshou, Desu, Dewa, Dou, Doko, Dokoro dewa nai, Dokoro ka, Dono Kurai, Dore, Doushite, Doushitemo, Douzo, Ga, Garu, Goro, Hajimeru, Hazu desu, Hazu ga nai, Hou, Hodo, Hou ga ii, Hoka, Hoshii, Hotondo, Igai, Igo, Ijou, Ichiban, Ikenai, Ikou, Ikura (demo/temo), Inai
Ageru, Aida, Amari, Are, Arimasen, Aru, Ato De, Au, Ba, Ba Hodo, Bakari, Beki desu, Bun, Cha, Chau, Chittomo, Choudo, Chuu ni, Daga, Dakara, Dake, Dakedo, Dare, Datte, De, De aru, Dekiru, Demo, Deshou, Desu, Dewa, Dou, Doko, Dokoro dewa nai, Dokoro ka, Dono Kurai, Dore, Doushite, Doushitemo, Douzo, Ga, Garu, Goro, Hajimeru, Hazu desu, Hazu ga nai, Hou, Hodo, Hou ga ii, Hoka, Hoshii, Hotondo, Igai, Igo, Ijou, Ichiban, Ikenai, Ikou, Ikura (demo/temo), Inai
General Terminologies
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